جستجوی این وبلاگ

۱۳۹۵ بهمن ۸, جمعه

The Iran Regime Should Not Play Any Role in Syria

لينك به منبع:
NCRI - In response to the question ‘what were the positive and negative aspects of Astana’s two-day talks?’, Dr. Hadi Al-Bahra told Al Arabiya TV that “the positive aspect of the talks, was the international community’s willingness and desire to find a solution to stop the killing and bloodshed in Syria. And its negative aspect was that the negotiations should have been conducted between the parties involved in Syrian conflict and their sponsoring countries.”
“As with the ceasefire, the opposition is still committed to the agreement signed in Turkey with participation of the two sponsoring countries, namely Turkey and Russia”, added al-Bahra.
On Iranian regime’s role as one of the ceasefire monitoring sides, the former President of Syrian National Coalition said that “the opposition announced in Astana peace talks that it would be impossible for them to accept the Iranian regime as a ceasefire monitoring side, since the Iranian regime is by itself a destabilizing element as well as Assad’s accomplice in the killing of the Syrian people. So, it’s actually a side and not a mediator, since a mediator must be neutral. So it would be impossible to accept this regime as a mediator.”
“The Iranian regime is responsible for all the sectarian militias who are committing crimes every day against the Syrian people”, added al-Bahra, ”So, the Iranian regime should give Turkey and Russia necessary guarantees to control the militias and oblige them to implement the ceasefire.”
On the ceasefire and the violation of it by the Iranian regime’s agents, the former President of Syrian National Coalition said that “we’re definitely seeking to stabilize a ceasefire that is provided with enforcement mechanisms for monitoring and surveillance. Mechanisms for dealing with and controlling the violators of the ceasefire. But all our commitments are contained within the agreement signed by Turkey, Russia and the opposition’s military units. The Iranian regime is not neutral as its sectarian militias are committing crimes against the Syrian people right now.”
al-Bahra concluded his remarks by saying that “the agreement between the three countries is aimed at supporting the Geneva talks, which by itself is monitored by the United Nations and initiated by Friends of Syria Group. So, the three countries are part of this package. The political process has been supported by this group of countries and is monitored by the United Nations.”

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